

1) 進行過敏測試/


2) 出門前20分鐘擦防曬品/


3) 用量要足/


4) 要不斷補擦防曬品/



5) 徹底清潔/


Girls must know UV light well. It is the number one killer of our skin. It will not only lose the white skin, but also make us long spots, long wrinkles, and gradually lose the elasticity of the skin. Aging", if it is serious, it will cause skin cancer! In short, in addition to helping your body synthesize vitamin D, the sun has no other benefits, so for beauty and health, we should do a good job of sun protection. (Please rest assured, because there is no research that sunscreen will affect a sufficient amount of vitamin D synthesis!)

How to use sunscreen products correctly?

1) Perform an allergy test /

The test method is to apply the skin on the inside of the arm or the back of the ear for 10 minutes. If there is no adverse reaction, it can be used on the face normally.

2) Wipe the sunscreen 20 minutes before going out

If you are using a chemical sunscreen, it should be applied 20 minutes before going out to effectively use its sunscreen effect, so don't rush to use it before you go out!

3) The amount should be sufficient /

A sufficient amount is at least 2 milligrams per square centimeter. If you feel too much at one time, you can apply it to your face twice. If you are unfortunate enough to have a bigger face than the average person, please apply a little more! Because if the amount of sunscreen is insufficient, it is equivalent to in vain, so it is recommended to have enough time to exert the effect.

4) To constantly rub the sunscreen /

According to the effect time of sunscreen products, remember to apply it when you are not enough. Pay special attention to sweating, be sure to wipe the sunscreen in advance.
In addition to the sunscreen on the face, is there anything else to be aware of?

Sun protection is a full-scale behavior. Don't rely solely on sunscreen, because it is easy to sweat, and our girls are really lazy to make up, especially in the summer and those who have done medical treatment. Beauty projects (such as laser, water, fruit acid skinning, etc.) and girls who want to spend a lot of time outdoors. You can always have an anti-UV sunglasses in your bag, as a spare for secondary protection, or a hat and a yang? It is a good auxiliary tool, so you must let your sunscreen 360 have no dead ends!

5) Thoroughly clean /

Generally, the refreshing sunscreen can be cleaned with facial cleanser, but some sunscreens are particularly heavy. You need to use cleansing products to clean them, so you can wash them thoroughly. Remember: sunscreen is not a skin care product, so cleaning should not be sloppy.

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