





The 33-year-old Wu surname mobile phone accessories owner opened in Changhua. The first meal every day is noon. He is 180 centimeters tall and weighs more than 110 kilograms. He was mad at the 2000CC Coke Summer Heat, and he ate a lot of food and loved sweetness. He suddenly lost 10 kilograms at the end of last month, his legs were weak and had a fever. He was diagnosed with 12-gut ulcer and suffered from type 2 diabetes. He was hospitalized for 5 days. After discharge, the blood sugar is stably controlled through timely medication, diet, exercise and work and rest.

Zhang Boyi, dean of Taichung City's Taixin Hospital, said that overeating will increase the burden on the pancreas, cause pancreatic damage, and even cause diabetes. People with normal constitution should also avoid overeating and lead to insulin secretion disorder in the pancreas. He suggested eating and chewing slowly, not overeating, not partial eclipse, eating more vegetables and grains, protecting the pancreas and reducing the risk of diabetes.

Wu’s boss said that he has no family history of diabetes. He was an office worker before the store opened. His work schedule was normal and his blood sugar was normal. After four years of shop opening, he moved his work and moved backwards. He had lunch at the first meal and returned to Taichung City’s eastern district at least 12 hours in the evening. Go to bed, neglect health check, and lose 110 kilograms.

He pointed out that he recently craved Coke, and the sweet food was full, but his weight dropped by 6 kilograms. He was shocked, and his feet were weak, and he had a fever. He went to Taixin Hospital and found that he not only had 12-gut ulcers. After the meal, blood sugar was as high as 420, and type 2 diabetes was diagnosed. After being discharged from hospital for 5 days, he began to receive diabetes treatment.

Wu’s boss said that he did not want to step into the dust because he saw severe diabetes, and he was still young. In addition to taking medication control, according to the menu designed by the dietitian, the daily calorie control was 1800 calories, and the diet was balanced. Stop sweets and sugary drinks, replace them with sugar-free tea and soy milk. If you want to eat food, you should change to eat tea eggs and drink sugar-free head.

He pointed out that the sports part, according to the guidance of Diabetes administrator Su Yuteng, walks with his wife and daughter every morning in the park, walks fast, or does stretching exercises, and goes to the gym in the future, at least 30 minutes, at least 5 days a week, now Successfully control blood sugar.

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